A RECENT letter by David Woodrow - and eagerly seized upon by Alan Harrison - overlooks one very important factor.

Redditch town and its routes were designated and planned in the early 1960s.

Oakenshaw South and the many other blighted residential estates were planned and constructed over a quarter of a century ago and now number hundreds of homes and thousands of very concerned Redditch residents.

The once proposed western route has long been overtaken and engulfed by events and it should now be relegated to the history books!

Like most Redditch people, I do not oppose a Studley bypass but, in my humble opinion, it should be built to the east of the village.

Such a route is much less expensive for the council taxpayers of Warwickshire, who will have to foot the bill and will only annoy a few sheep.

Mrs A Noones

Lineholt Close

Oakenshaw South