WITH reference to your front page report (Evening News, June 9 headlined "Teens Terror Halted", how disgusting to read of two 14-year-old girls committing so many offences and given such a meagre sentence.

I am amazed that the magistrates refused to allow their names to be printed in the Press. These offenders should have been named and shamed for the horrible things they did to members of the public.

As for the solicitors defending these delinquents (legal aid paid for by the taxpayers) they came out with the usual excuses such as "she is not all bad" and because the parents marriage broke up.

Thank God not all children behave as these two did, even if there is a marriage break-up.

Unfortunately, these two offenders cannot be birched and made to suffer some of the injuries they inflicted on others.

The Isle of Man birched young offenders for criminal offences and they did not come back for more, but now under this human rights nonsense, it is not allowed anymore.

I cannot see any real deterrents being passed by this government to deal with these types of young people.

H H DEAKIN, Malvern.