I CANNOT agree with Sidney Cullis (You Say, June 8) when he says: "It is a mockery of parliamentary principle to require the issues of importance to bypass our representatives and be referred back to those who elected them".

In the present circumstances, when only 59 per cent of the electorate voted (which tells a big story in itself) and of this only 42 per cent voted new Labour, it means that our new government represents a mere 25 per cent of the electorate.

The question of our loss of sovereignty and the power to govern ourselves must hence never be left to government - of whatever persuasion. A referendum we have been promised and a referendum we must have.

However, I fully agree with his letter (You Say, June 9) when he says we should follow Norway and enjoy only a free trade agreement with the EU and not surrender our currency followed by our sovereignty and God-given right to rule ourselves.

Only history will determine whether we once again have to unscramble a federal nightmare. God forbid.

E F SHOWELL, Worcester.