IT'S a funny old game, politics, especially in Leominster Constituency.

Last week, the man who betrayed those who had elected him by switching sides mid-term was given a peerage.

Determined to show that Leominster remains "true blue", voters rallied around the Conservative candidate last Thursday and got him in with a comfortable majority.

Yet again they put a lemming-like trust in his enthusiastic (but misleading) calls of "keep the pound", "help the farmers by reforming the Common Agricultural Policy" and "we want less of Europe, not more", even though every previous Tory government had betrayed this trust.

And their reward? The very next day William Hague stood down, re-opening the huge chasm in opinion within the party and once again plunging their election promises into turmoil.

I'd like to thank and congratulate the 1,590 voters who put common sense before blind party loyalty and voted for a party which speaks with one voice of their vision for Britain - the UK Independence Party.

We'll be back, and stronger, next time.


