Sorry to keep the Malvern Town Council debate going but I have been

waiting to see if anyone else felt as I did about their questionnaire on future service provision.

For me, it raised as many questions as it asked. The biggest being, have the residents of Malvern been subjected to a massive confidence trick, perpetrated by Malvern Hills District Council?

MHDC appear to offloaded all their worn-out, unsafe and poorly maintained land, buildings and equipment within the town confines and appear to have offered no compensation or other help to bring those facilities up to serviceable condition.

As a sample of what we town residents have accepted: Victoria Park pavilion "found unsafe only weeks after taking it over"; various children's play areas, condemned by ROSPA; bus shelters, now boarded up; christmas lights, dangerously unsafe.

We can, of course, ask what were the town council doing in accepting these "gifts" without prior, expert inspection? And ask further whether they have since pursued any claims against the former owners?

Is anyone able/willing to explain, please?

Derek Tunnicliffe, St Ann's Road, Great Malvern. (via e-mail).