Enough is enough! Today we went out onto the common to enjoy the sun and the half-term holiday. There we were, skipping through the grass a la Sound of Music when....whoops, my youngest son fell over into a very large pile of dog mess. End of happy family expedition. Nobody saw though; the tourists next to us were too busy scraping dog mess off their own shoes to notice.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all run about on the hills and the commons, and not just the dogs! Surely it should be possible for all those with an interest in the hills - the Conservators, the AONB, the local authorities and perhaps even those who rely on the hills and green spaces for tourism and recreation - to do some 'joined up' thinking and share the cost of some

wardening and some 'doggie' bins? How about it?

Karen Rose, Wells Road, Malvern. (via e-mail)