ON a personal note I thank everyone for the help and support, following the recent death of my husband. Your kindness is very much appreciated.

Good news for Wellington Heath. The Rural Development Area Small Projects fund via the Herefordshire Partner-ship has awarded a grant of £1,000 to the Memorial Village Hall. This will be a significant boost to the Committee's drive to install a fully equipped kitchen in the new Memorial Hall, which is presently under construction.

The new kitchen will be designed to cope with increased demands likely to be made on it by the wider range of activities that are planned.

The Committee acknowledge this help with grateful thanks.

The Parish Council will be holding a Planning Meeting in the Church at 7.30pm on Tuesday, June 19 when the following applications will be discussed - NE2001/0850F Jay House - result, NE2001/1280F The Cottage, Ochre Hill, application for extensions and alterations, NE1999/2994N application for use of land adjacent to Raven Hill Wood: construction of temporary haul road to quarry for Quick Skip, Hereford.

There will be a public meeting of the Ledbury District Liaison Group at the Ledbury Primary School on Wednesday, June 20 starting at 7pm.

This is open to members of the public and is your opportunity to question members of the Herefordshire Council, and others, and listen to their debate. Part of this meeting is 'given over' to open discussion. Further details of the agenda may be found on the village notice boards.

Two gardens in the village will be open for charity under the National Garden Scheme - these are 'Dogberry', The Common and 'The View', Ochre Hill.

They will be open on Sunday, June 17 at 2-4pm. Cost £2.50 for both gardens and children are free. Full details of this event will be found on the village notice boards.