Matters arising: The chairman's report was read which commented on mains drainage/sewerage plant, wetlands, flooding (Upper End), speed strategy, grass cutting/potholes, heavy vehicles entering the village and the millennium celebrations - councillor Winnard and his committee were formally thanked for all their hard work.

Any other business: Letter from Mr Searle on behalf of the village hall committee re village hall enhancement. The committee would be asking Wychavon for 20% of the £116,000 required and that the parish council would need to demonstrate their support (£1,250 for two years). It was unanimously agreed to ask for the necessary raised precept. It was hoped to raise 10% in the village. The grant application to be in by the end of the month.

Heavy vehicles entering the village: (Woodfield Farm/Hall Farm). It was decided to put this matter on the agenda for the next parish council meeting. However, there was to be a meeting with Mr Simms director of Woodfield Farm. In attendance would be county councillor Hardman, district councillor Wright and chairman of parish council John Worby. Mention of sign to Red Star was to be made.n Withy Walk: This would be cut once foot and mouth had ceased.

PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: Election of chairman (coun John Worby) proposed: Coun Stuart Crowther seconded: Coun David Williams-Thomas. Election of vice chairman (coun Ian Winnard) proposed: Coun Gill seconded: Coun Hiden.n Potholes: Clerk instructed to write to Mr Geoff Cox at Wychavon expressing our concern re this matter.

Nafford Sluice: Worcs County Council advised that completion of this project, including a new set of steps, was due to take place in Spring/Summer 2001 but because of the foot and mouth this project may have to be delayed.

Sewerage Treatment Plant: It was advised that land slightly to the west of the original site is being looked at.

Old Milking Parlour: Land had now been cleared of contaminated soil and the house had now been started.

Proposed Enhancement of Village Hall: To show support financially it was proposed to increase the parish council's precept for two years. Proposed: Coun Crowther seconded: Coun Williams-Thomas - all in favour. Clerk instructed to write to Mr George Revell re ditch clearing, grass verges at the lower end of Church Street.

Skips: Clerk instructed to request one for September 14, 15 and 16. Trailer parking on parish council ground - this to be brought to the next meeting. Clerk instructed to write to Worcs County re poplar trees to the south of Birlingham House (trimming/safety). The next parish council meeting will be held on July 18 at 7.30pm.