I REALLY must take issue with the letter June 7 from Councillor Don Lawley.

The information which he claims was clearly set out in a letter to Broadway Parish Council was not clear to me, nor to the Chairman of our Finance Group, nor to our Clerk. This letter refers to a maximum sum of £22,179 over three years, but does not mention 'cappings' and goes on to say 'unfortunately, I cannot give you a more accurate figure until tenders for the work have been received'. Also, the letter refers to 'the need to meet with you at some stage to discuss our proposals in greater depth, and in particular the longer term maintenance responsibilities'. What will these cost?

Broadway Parish Council decided not to agree to committing public funds at this stage, because the estimated project cost has risen already from £77,000 to £139,000, plus some undefined ongoing maintenance costs, and several residents of Mill Avenue do not support such an expensive solution to the problem anyway, as reported elsewhere in the Journal.

The Council did agree to accept the offer in the letter from Wychavon District Council for further discussions on the matter, and did not close the matter in any way.

Incidentally, the parish Council had inadequate time to consider the detailed letter from the District Council because this was wrongly addressed and, as a result, went to an unoccupied house for a few days. The letter was handed to me at 10.30pm one evening, just prior to our Parish Council meeting.

P RILEY, Chairman, Broadway Parish Council, Hunters Lodge, High Street, Broadway.