GOVERNMENT inspectors have praised a new Worcester school for providing its pupils with excellent, challenging teaching in a "close-knit family".

Lyppard Grange Primary School, in Warndon Villages, has only been open for three years, but has taken its standards to above the national average.

Inspectors said that when the school opened, pupils had levels of attainment below the national average.

But now, the pupils have good reading skills and are achieving good levels in their Key Stage 1 tests.

Levels in mathematics, however, are slightly below the national average.

The level of attainment of pupils starting at the age of four is above the national average.

"Due to very good teaching, particularly the high expectations of achievement and behaviour, the majority are on target to exceed the expected levels in their Early Learning Goals," said the Inspectors' report.

The teaching of the under-fives was said to be "excellent".

Inspectors said that a combination of good teaching and attentive children meant that the school was doing a good job.

"Pupils are managed with great skill," they added.

"This, added to the quality of teachers' planning, their excellent knowledge and understanding and warm relationships ensures very good planning.


"Overall, pupils learn quickly and effectively.

"They acquire skills, knowledge and understanding very well. Their knowledge of their own learning is excellent."

The report said that pupils were kept at full stretch by the very good teaching at the school.

"The constant challenge, which is subtly adjusted by the skilled planning of work for pupils' differing needs, means that pupils often achieve levels of work above expectations.

"The quality of pupil management and relationships in the school means that pupils want to give their best."

The report said that the children were friendly and confident and developed good levels of independence.

"Pupils love school and enjoy every aspect of it," said the inspectors.

"They have a strong natural commitment to the school. They join in activities with infectious enthusiasm.

"Pupils are warmly supportive of one another from an early age.

"The respect one another's views and get on very well with teachers."

They also said pupils were confident and related very well to all the adults in the school.

Parents were said to regard the school highly and were pleased with what the school provides.

Inspectors also praised the range of extra-curricular activities available to the children, which includes an orchestra, pottery, hockey and chess.