CYCLING should be less of an uphill struggle in Malvern with the introduction of a new cycle network.

Malvern Hills Highway Partnership Unit has put together a map showing the proposed Malvern Cycle Route Network, which has an estimated cost of £320,600.

So far, an off-road route has been completed along Townsend Way and up North End Way to the Pickersleigh Road traffic lights.

The next priority route is an extension up Hayslan Road, across to Sling Lane and up into Great Malvern.

John Wallace, from the Highways Partnership Unit, said the aim was to get more people on their bikes.

"This is our long-term objective but there's no fixed time for this," he said. "We want to improve the cycle route by DERA and extend into Gloucester Close and encourage people both to cycle to work and for pleasure."

Mr Wallace said they were keen to find off-road routes rather than sending cyclists along main roads.

"I think the majority of people would rather cycle along country roads," he said. But he explained they were going to introduce advanced stop lines at traffic lights so that cyclists had priority. Other priorities were improving cycle parking and considering traffic calming measures near Dyson Perrins School.

Funding for these routes will be obtained from "development highway planning gains", when a developer is asked to make a financial contribution before being given planning consent. A Colwall developer was recently told to pay £70,000 towards the cycle network before he could be granted planning permission for a £5 million hotel complex.