EXPERT advice on how to protect homes from flooding will be on offer to Bewdley folk next week.

Shrewsbury-based conservation architect Andrew Arrol will be giving a talk on "flood precautions and minimising the damage in practice" at the town's Baptist Church on Wednesday.

Mr Arrol, who lives in an 18th century house which suffers from flooding, is president of the Franco-British Union of Architects and is architect for Chester Cathedral.

His talk was originally given to the English Heritage seminar on flooding and historic buildings in March.

He has been invited to Bewdley by the town's residents' flood committee as part of an ongoing campaign to help people affected by the problem.

Mr Arrol has agreed to answer questions from the floor in Wednesday's session at the High Street church.

It starts at 7.30pm and further details are available from Gillian Holland on 01299 400952 or Peter Barnett on 01299 400484.