HE SAYS: A vote for me tomorrow is a vote for Britain to keep the pound (not just for a few years!), leave the European Union and restore government to this country.

At present 80 per cent of our laws and regulations are made in Brussels. I am happy to trade, and be friends with the other nations of Europe, but I do not want political union.

However, the U K Independence Party is not a single issue party; we have a full manifesto with policies on all the major issues of the day.

And, unlike

the other parties, we will actually have extra money to put our policies into practice.

When we are free of the shackles of the EU, it has been estimated that we will have an extra £20bn a year to spend (ie £9bn on top of our annual contribution of £11bn).

We will increase pensions, raise the tax threshold taking one million people out of tax, increase nurses' pay, and employ more teachers and police.

We will simplify taxation, and overhaul the system of welfare payments. The European Union is centralised, bureaucratic, unaccountable and corrupt.

It has a high rate of taxation, and our membership is expensive, for which we get nothing in return.

However, it is not the EU that is our enemy but British politicians who seem determined to take us down the road of further integration.

A vote for any of the other parties is a vote for our continued membership of the EU (don't be fooled by the Conservative slogan of "in Europe but not ruled by Europe" - it's not an option).

A vote for me is a vote to restore Government to Britain and spend that £20bn at home.