HUNDREDS of probation staff learned how to boost their performance in the workplace when they attended the new West Mercia Probation Service's conference.

Around 350 delegates from offices throughout Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Shropshire got together for the first time at the day in Telford.

"It effectively marks the starting point for the new service," said chief officer David Chantler.

"The inaugural conference is the first time we've all been together under one roof."

He welcomed guest speaker John Scott, head of performance and planning at the national directorate, who spoke on performance management.

His talk came ahead of a visit by national director Eiethne Wallis, who will open the new West Mercia headquarters at Stourbank House in Kidderminster on Wednesday, June 20.

"This is the first of Mr Scott's visits to amalgamated services and I also believe it is a first for Eiethne since her appointment as national director of the Probation Service," Mr Chantler added.