A TALENTED teenager from Stoke Heath has landed a part in what could be a smash hit musical of the future.

Jo Hargreaves, of Dark Lane, passed two auditions for KOBA -- Man of Steel after seeing an advert for the show in Stage magazine.

The show, penned by Thomas de Keyser, from Kidderminster, is set to play for one night only at Birmingham's Alexandra Theatre.

It has an interesting subject for a musical -- the Russian dictator Stalin -- and boasts a mixture of classic music and rock.

Jo, aged 15, who attends South Bromsgrove High School, doesn't know which part she is playing next but all will be revealed when the cast holds its first meeting later this month.

She is a genuine all-rounder, can sing, dance, play piano and saxophone and has appeared in several pantomimes at Redditch's Palace Theatre.

Proud mum Ruth said: "Jo sang her first solo when she was four-years-old.

"Even though the show is just a one night only because it is so different it could catch on and Jo is ready to spend her summer holidays rehearsing."

KOBA -- Man of Steel opens on September 16.