AGATHA Christie's classic whodunnit play The Hollow saw the players' stalwart performers joined by new members, writes A Noakes.

After a slow start introducing the characters and plot, the audience became aware that the soon-to-be deceased Dr Christow, played by newcomer Mark Harvey, could have been shot by any of the other characters.

Ms Christie threw in a few red herrings as usual but the well-acted piece kept everyone guessing until the end.

There were well-crafted roles for many of the well-known Cygnets and the newcomers were as big a surprise as the twist at the end.

Wendy Brown, as scatty Lady Angkatell, was a delight, Andrew Arnold played a solid support in his first Cygnet performance and a superbly cool Bob Beard played Inspector Colquoun with ease and a genuine air of authority.

The stage set and effects worked well with one small exception in that some props did not belong to the period in which it was set. A fine play overall.