IT'S easy to see why Wythall Theatre Company has swept the awards board lately if the psychological thriller Blood Money at the Palace Theatre is anything to go by, writes Melina Cannon.

This latest production was a welcome departure from previous comedies usually favoured by the company and certainly tested the actors' abilities to the limit, as well as being proper edge-of-the-seat, nail-biting stuff.

It focuses on philanderer Mike Mason (Roger Warren), star of television's Bargain Basement, and his pill-popping, booze-guzzling wife Liz (Sue Lister) who is undergoing treatment for alcoholism by Dr Julie Campbell (Joy Rodgers).

The couple hide a chilling secret. They were responsible for killing young Carol Mitchell in a hit-and-run car accident seven years ago.

The play opens at the Masons' home shortly before a television awards ceremony in which Mike is nominated to win an award.

Liz arrives home the worse for wear and finds neighbour Sue Thompson (Abby Stonehall), with whom Mike is having an affair, in the living room, causing another in a string of screaming matches between Mike and Liz.

Before the couple leave for the ceremony, Liz answers a disturbing telephone call from someone claiming to be Carol Mitchell, and on their return find their house has been ransacked.

The plot features twist after twist and really does keep the audience on the edge of their seats as characters reveal who they really are and the play plunges into the murky depths of revenge, murder and intrigue.

Fantastic acting, particularly by Joy Rodgers, who gave an incredibly emotional performance as the professional but tormented Dr Campbell, and Roger Warren as ladies' man Mike Mason.

The set was also cleverly designed, showing books falling off the bookcase, a rocking chair rocking by itself and headlights beaming out into the audience.