SENIOR Home Office minister Paul Boateng paid a flying visit to Kidderminster to see the latest efforts to beat crime in the town.

The deputy Home Secretary met police, housing officers and Victim Support staff bidding to cut crime, especially burglary, in the Horsefair and Broadwaters.

Mr Boateng, who joined Labour's General Election candidate for Wyre Forest David Lock for the visit to Windermere House, said: "Mr Lock has championed the cause of neighbourhood wardens, CCTV and regeneration of estates in parliament.

"I am delighted to see the excellent work going on here, funded by new investment from the Labour Government, but there is a long way to go."

Meanwhile, Trade and Industry Secretary Stephen Byers paid his second visit to Wyre Forest in as many months to meet staff at Titan Steel Wheels, Cookley, with Mr Lock on Thursday.