A HOSTEL for the homeless in Droit-wich Spa looks set to close.

The future of the Hanbury Road house is under consideration because of lack of use.

Spa Housing Association was forced to adopt a strict letting policy owing to the nature of the accommodation and management problems, according to a Wych-avon District Council report.

This affected the number of suitable tenants.

When the council sold its housing stock to Spa Housing Association, one of the conditions was that the property would provide temporary accommodation for the homeless.

But changes in Government legislation now mean the property is no longer suitable for this purpose.

A Wychavon spokeswoman said: "In addition, Spa Housing Association tells us it can satisfactorily meet the needs of the homeless within its general housing stock."

At the council's housing and economic development committee meeting on Tuesday May 29, members agreed to release the association from its obligation.

The association's housing manager, Sue Heelas, said: "No decision has been taken as yet but we are considering the future of the property.

"Spa Housing will maintain its commitment to providing accommodation for homeless people but it may be within our existing housing stock."