AMBITIOUS plans to reopen Droitwich Spa's canal system will cost an extra £2m.

The restoration project was set to cost £7m but a new feasibility study says £9m is needed.

The report was produced by British Waterways and the Waterways Trust for Worcest-ershire County Council and Wychavon District Council - both authorities have pledged £1m towards the regeneration scheme.

The report considers project risks, funding, and economic and social benefits.

Details of the findings have been leaked to the Advertiser.

The report said British Waterways and the Waterways Trust believe the extra £2m can be found. And it states work should be well under way in the next five years.

The two waterways agencies will continue promoting the project and organising funding as long as both authorities pledge total support.

A British Waterways spokeswoman said: "Several years ago a separate study was carried out and the estimated cost was £7m.

"However, our report goes into finer details and I don't think it was a great surprise when the overall cost rose.

"We acquire a majority of funding through third parties and have already identified potential cash sources."

A county council spokesman said: "We'll now have to wait until after the elections before members and partners can look at the details of the report."

A district council spokeswoman confirmed the authority had received a final draft of the findings.

County councillor Pam Davey (Con, Droit.South) said: "This project has overwhelming support and I'm confident that irrespective of who controls the county council, this scheme has every priority."

Cllr Peter Pinfield (Lab, Droit.Town) said: "We are now raring to go and I'm sure the new county council will endorse the £1m capital investment."

Droitwich Canals Trust chairman Margaret Rowley said she had not yet received a copy of the document.