THE town's main shopping centre has been forced to employ security staff to crack down on vandalism.

Salters' Shopping Centre now has two guards patrolling the precinct from 4pm to late evening.

The move follows a spate of graffiti attacks and vandalism which has wrecked phone boxes, walls, benches, bins and shop windows.

There have also been problems caused by skateboarders using the precinct.

Deputy centre manager Marion Parkes told the Advertiser: "Youths are running amok at the moment, we can't block off the centre and I feel paying for security staff is the only other option.

"We have a good shopping centre and I want to keep it that way.

"People should feel safe to come and browse."

Droitwich Spa town councillor John Cook (Lab, Droit.West) said: "This is good news for residents and I hope the guards will be a deterrent for those who wish to cause problems in the centre."

Deputy mayor and town trader Cllr Terry Spencer (Con, Droit.Central) said: "This is a move that is long overdue.

"I believe guards are the best way to deal with the on-going problems.

"The appointments will please traders who are keen to protect their businesses."

Droitwich Spa beat manager PC Alun Jones said: "I welcome this initiative and we plan to actively work with the security in place.

"Hopefully, we will see a reduction in the number of calls from traders and pedestrians concerned with disorder, damage and the danger posed by skateboarders, cyclists and in-line skaters."