AT the age of 77, I remain reasonably active but unfortunately, as we grow older, we do sometimes need to use the loo more often.

For example, I like to attend Sunday evening service at Worcester Cathedral. If I visit the loo immediately before the service I can generally last out, but sometimes, on leaving, I find the toilet facilities to be locked up for the night.

In the past this has been of small concern because I could generally make it to Commandery Road public conveniences which I can pass on the walk home. For as long as I can remember there has been a convenience sited at or near here but how it has vanished without trace.

This has caused me to reflect on the number of similar facilities throughout the city which have gone the same way or are now securely locked in the evening.

Of course I know we have to contend with high maintenance costs and vandalism but it seems to me we should hardly be surprised that nowadays intemperate youngsters relieve themselves in shop doorways or in the streets.

I suppose I shall have to curtail my Sunday evening excursions unless, of course, someone at the Cathedral happens to read this and decides to delay locking up Cathedral facilities until at least its own congregation has departed.

