MOVES to give local authorities greater power to cancel Council Tax demands for residents struggling with serious flooding are being supported by Malvern Hills District Council.

The campaign is being spearheaded by Wyre Forest District Council, which has already lobbied the Government on the issue and appealed to MHDC for support.

It also wants the power to extend the exemption to cover Business Rates on firms.

The law currently allows councils to grant 100 per cent Council Tax relief to people forced to leave their homes - providing they can take their furniture with them.

People simply forced to flee only qualify for 50 per cent relief, under arrangements designed to collect tax on second homes.

Wyre Forest wants local authorities to be given more discretion to help people, a move sparked by serious flooding last autumn in the Severn Valley, effecting places like Upton-upon-Severn, Bewdley and Shrewsbury.

The issue was discussed at last week's MHDC meeting and members agreed to support the call.

The Government has now asked the Local Government Association to investigate further on its behalf.

Upton ward councillor Mary Wilkinson said she was very pleased that the authority was supporting the move.

"I think it would be a splendid idea," she said. "I understand budgets have to be made and you have to expect you will get 'x' amount of money coming in but it all needs talking about."

She said she was planning to pass on the news to the chairman of the town's Tourism and Trade Association, which lobbied the Government on rate relief for businesses last November.