A CHARITY helping young families under stress in their own homes is being launched in Malvern on June 5.

Home-Start is a national voluntary organisation that offers regular support, friendship and practical help to young families with children under five.

At present, Malvern is the only area in Worcestershire without a Home-Start organisation. But, as a result of a meeting called by Andy Lyle, manager of the Lyttelton Well, in January this year, that is all about to change.

Mr Lyle said the aim of the charity was to support families with young children who are stressed to help prevent family crisis and breakdowns.

"It's been flagged up by the health authority and social services that there is a desperate need for this service in Malvern," he said.

"There are so many different issues - post-natal depression, a husband or wife leaving, lack of parenting skills - there is just so much that affects people in those situations."

Volunteers will be matched with a family and visit regularly, playing with the children, helping in the home or going with them to appointments or on outings, according to the needs of the situation.

"Having twins aged three I can understand how much of a struggle it can be to make ends meet," said Mr Lyle. "Whether it's just support coping with the children, this organisation will be meeting a need in our community."

Anyone concerned about families in crisis and involved in social services, education, health, caring organisations or a faith community are welcome to attend the group's first meeting. A steering group chaired by Heather Williamson, from Malvern, has been set up and the group will be holding its first meeting at the Guesten Room, Priory Gateway on Tuesday, June 5, at 7.30pm.