LAST Sunday mornings service at St Peter's was a Family Service led by the vicar, the Rev David Nichol.

The reading of Noah's Ark was by Meg Allsopp and Lyn Snook. The choir sang As the Deer Pants accompanied on the piano by Sally Linsey, organist. Prayers of intercession were led by Meg Allsopp. During the service baby Jack William Keith Lippett was baptised. He lives in Worcester, but his grandparents are from Bastonford. Also baptised was seven-year-old Lukyn Melanie Gedge, from London, whose grandparents live at Callow End.

On Sunday (May 20), there will not be a morning service at 11am at Powick. Instead, an evening service at 6.30pm will be for the whole benefice to celebrate Rogation Sunday. This also marks the end of Christian Aid Week. As Ascension Day is on Thursday, May 24, there will be a United Service at St Mary's Church, Madresfield at 7.30pm.

Fifty members of the RSPB met in Powick Parish Hall last Wednesday for the annual general meeting of the Worcester & Malvern Branch. The committee was re-elected and group leader Garth Lowe, treasurer Pam Scroop and secretary Peter Riley agreed to serve again. Following the business a slide show featuring birds and life in Eastern Europe (Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania) was given by Andy Warren of Shipston-on-Stour. Andy has been a past RSPB warden. The group's next meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 13 when Michael Leach will show photographs of owls of the world at 7.30pm in Powick Parish Hall.

If you missed the Spring Gardening Show, come along tomorrow (Saturday) to Powick Parish Hall for the plant sale organised by Powick playing field Associa-tion, starting at 10am.

Today (Friday) Powick Parish Ramblers are meeting at 10.30am at Royal Worcester Porcelain factory for a tour of the museum's fine collection of Royal Worcester bone china.

The annual parish meeting will be held next Thursday, May 24 in the community room of Powick Parish Hall at 7.30pm. This meeting is open to the public and all registered electors of the parish are entitled to speak and vote. Local organisations may give reports.

Tonight (Friday) there is a whist drive in Powick Parish Hall at 7.30pm organised by Jean Jenkins, in aid of Air Ambulance.

Last month, Powick Guild were entertained by the staff of Link Nurseries, Byrons Wood. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon, a good opportunity to look around and buy the plants, shrubs and vegetables grown on the premises. Mrs Underwood explained the aims of the centre mainly to provide therapeutic work for clients with mental health problems, in a safe, supportive and informal environment. The 30 clients enjoy a purposeful and constructive day to increase their confidence and self-esteem and to give social contact, stimulation and motivation. This is a most worthwhile project and well deserving our local support. A final update on the Bath trip on June 19. The cost is £8 and there are still some seats available. Please contact Rita deBoer on (01905) 830256.