FLOWER power will be used to mark the life of Worcestershire's most famous composer this spring.

A design at St Andrew's Gardens, in Worcester, will celebrate the golden jubilee of The Elgar Society.

Eight thousand plants will take root at the spot, with five varieties placed in the soil.

Worcester City Council says nearly 70,000 plants will be used to decorate the city during the next few weeks.

Eight staff will be busy later this month, feeding and preparing the ground.

High summer

"Some people are surprised when they see us taking up plants and flowers that are still blooming, but if we didn't there would be a real lack of colour in high summer as the spring flowers die off," said Graham Redfern, the council's horticultural officer.

"The programme of re-planting the beds will take about three weeks and will start at the Cathedral, moving on to Cripplegate Park and then other parks and traffic islands."

During next month, 300 hanging baskets will be fixed to shops and lamp-posts.

The city council also intends to site 13 flower towers and 96 flower troughs.