Brenda Banner, president hostess institute, Areley Kings, welcomed representatives from 11 groups to Astley Village Hall, when Margaret Johnson, group co-ordinator and Shirley Walker, treasurer, reported on past and future activities.

Areley Kings members were dressed in pantomime costumes and the hall was decorated on the same theme, as the speaker was Richard Westcott, a professional actor who specialises in the part of pantomime dame.

He changed from being a city-suited gentleman to a "dame" in minutes, and as he applied the make-up he slipped in to the patter associated with the role. Helped by Brenda, he did a complete costume change in under a minute.

A mini pantomime entertained members during social time, and a poem was read, about buying a bathing costume for the mature figure.

The next Forest Group meeting will be on October 24 when Simon Chorley will talk on Collecting Antiques.