FLOWER CLUB: 'Bringing Art to Life' was the theme of the flower club's guest speaker at this month's meeting. Travelling through four centuries of famous artists Carolyn Gordon gave members the 'Sun Flowers' of Van Gough which was followed by the impressionist work of Degas the Dance Class demonstrated with silver leaves and white tulips on ballet shoes. Monet was brought to life with Water Lilies, containers depicting the subject with willow, spirea, blue iris, and several other species including Eurostar lilies. Contemporary art followed using a large glass vase with bamboo, apples and roses. Thanking the speaker, Judith Stanton emphasised that members got great pleasure from everyone of the arrangements and had a most enjoyable evening. Why not join the flower club at its next meeting on June 20 at 7.30pm in the village hall.

WELLESBOURNE AND DISTRICT LIONS: As a result of the foot and mouth crisis, the Lions have cancelled their 25th annual raft race which was due to be held on the traditional seven mile course down the Avon, ending in Stratford. Over the last 24 years the race has raised over £380,000 for a number of national, regional and local charitable beneficiaries. This year, Diabetes UK was looking forward to a possible bumper year raising in excess of £20,000. Peter Shorrick of Diabetes UK's Midland office said, that the charity was very disappointed but supported the Wellesbourne Lions' decision which was based on the fact that the fields through which the race runs are still under MAFF restrictions. Even if the restrictions were lifted in the next few weeks, with so many people attending from all over the country, the potential risk of spreading the disease could not be ignored.

CHORAL SOCIETY: Last Friday the 30-voice choral society gave its long awaited performance before an appreciative home audience. Music for Springtime was presented in four parts with a well-balanced selection of popular music and composers. Tom Cox thanked everybody who played any part in making the concert so successful and provided the audience with an extra treat by 'ordering' an encore. There will be a repeat performance at 7.30pm at St Nicholas Church, Warwick, tickets £6, in aid of the accident and emergency appeal Warwick Hospital.