A LOCAL "rogue" was in the news in the Journal this week 200 years ago, when it seems that fortune telling was a crime. An 82 years-old gypsy woman found herself in jail because of the incredible gullibility of a Droitwich man.

The Journal explained: "Lucretia Monk has been committed to our county gaol for a month as a rogue and vagabond for pretending to tell the fortune of one Samuel Clarke at Droitwich.

"It seems that the old woman, after pouring some melted lead into a bowl of water, informed Clarke that a most beautiful and rich young lady was dying for love of him, that she would disclose her passion in about four days, that they were sure to be married and that she saw in the water that they would have no less than 11 fine children.

"All this Clarke believed and, having paid her a fee of 2s 6d, departed in high spirits. However, when the four days had elapsed and nothing had come to pass, Clarke became extremely depressed and was so enraged at the fraud that he revenged himself by informing against the old woman."