I WOULD like to thank Mr R Bullock (You Say, April 14) for his assurance that there is policy difference between the Conservatives and New Labour over the European Union.

He says the Conservatives are against further integration, and they will prevent regionalisation of the UK, when they win the next election.

Mr Bullock is, I am sure, sincere. He is also quite wrong! The Conservatives have no hope of winning the next General Election. They are 25 points behind in the opinion polls.

We all know where New Labour (and their Liberal Democrats stooges) stand on further EU integration. The threat posed to the UK by re-joining EMU and then adopting the euro is obvious but, in order to prevent a debate before the election, they have promised us a referendum later on.

Despite what Mr Bullock believes, the Conservatives are no better. It is true that they would scrap the Regional Assemblies, which New Labour have already set up by stealth (ever wondered why your council tax keeps going up, when inflation is so low?).

They have even said that they will not ratify the Nice Treaty, in which Mr Blair saved six British vetoes, while giving away 39. However, the Conservatives do not intend to try and recoup any of the rights that they have already handed over to Brussels.

The damage has already been done by the Conservatives, who fooled us into joining a "trading block" which then turned into a political union.

Now, they are claiming that we can be "in Europe but not run by Europe", which is simply not possible, as it is not what our continental partners want.

I have joined the growing number of people supporting the UK Independence Party, as it is the only mainstream party offering withdrawal from the EU.

I urge Mr Bullock to do the same, and not to vote along traditional party lines this time, when so much is at stake.