I WENT to Kidderminster to hear Professor Robert Winston speak in support of David Lock.

What a flop it was! Professor Winston was more able to talk about hospital changes in London than he was able to answer questions about Kidderminster's medical provision.

There could not have been a single person whose opinions were changed - but then that was not the purpose of his appearance. It was so that Professor Winston could be featured in the media and political pamphlets as a supporter of David Lock.

David Lock's contribution was to say that we have got to have dialogue. But, one wonders, with whom. For before one or other Worcestershire Health Trusts can produce, let alone fulfil their master plan, they are likely to be abolished.

This Government is incapable of leaving anything alone to see if it works.

I thought it rather sad that Professor Winston allowed his reputation for clinical excellence to be used for party political purposes.

M C MEIKLE, Wick Grange, Pershore.