FILM festivals and top operas could be coming to Malvern Theatres after a major boost from lottery funds.

The £20,500 award will be used to buy a giant screen for the Forum, allowing it to be used for film screenings and other multimedia events.

And one of the ideas theatre bosses are looking into is live satellite transmissions of opera and classical music from some of Europe's best concert halls.

Spokeswoman Rachel Simpson said: "This is a real step forward for us.

"We'll have the ability to project both video and 35mm film in the Forum on to this giant screen. We have already managed to get the projection gear."

The aim is to have the screen installed by the end of June. It will be used during the theatres' summer festival for one-off showings of films, which are now being booked.

"It opens up so many possibilities for us. So many of the modern dance companies use projected film as part of their performances and we will be able to book them.

"We can also hold other multimedia presentations and, with the ability to show films both in the Forum and the cinema, there is also the possibility of holding film festivals."

The cash comes from the Regional Lottery Arts Programme and is part of £348,000 which is being distributed among arts projects in the West Midlands.

In 1999, Malvern Film Society raised the possibility of getting together with Malvern Theatres for its screenings.

But this week, society spokesperson Lynda Medwell said they were waiting for the completion of the community cinema project, which is being built at Northleigh Primary School.