6 I AM glad Richard Adams will have his business to fall back on when he fails in his aspiration to become "a professional politician" (as he puts it) at the coming General Election.

I don't suppose he felt any better after hearing the news only a couple of weeks ago that Ceri Evans, a former senior aide to William Hague, and himself a successful businessman, had defected from the Conservatives to join the Labour Party.

The reason Mr Evans gave (as reported in the national Press) was: "Quite simply I believe that the issues facing Britain are best dealt with by strong leadership and a clear sense of purpose.

"The Conservative Party has failed to grasp the opportunity to change, and has failed to offer leadership on key issues such as education, health and enterprise."

These are the factors that will determine the outcome of the election, whenever it comes.

The Labour Government nationally - and Michael Foster locally - deserve at least a second term to continue the job of repairing the damage caused by 18 years of Tory neglect to our essential public services.


St John's,
