PARISH COUNCIL: Archaeological Dig at the Recreation Ground: At the request of Mr Atkin, head of Worcestershire Archaeological Service it was agreed that the dig be postponed to the 2002 Walkabout Weekend.

This was because of difficulties of operation during the foot and mouth disease outbreak.

Damaged Signs at Fladbury Cross: These are still to be replaced.

Coun Llewellyn had notified Worcestershire County Council about the enormous pothole on the A4538. Paynes Lane: The potholes had been filled in.

Annual Parish Meeting: Mr Atkin of the County Archaeological Service had agreed to speak at the meeting to be held on Monday, April 23 at 7.30pm in the Pavilion. (All invited to attend).

Wychavon Grants: Councillors were asked to consider possible projects and to make their suggestions at the meeting in May.

Speed - Fladbury Village: A survey had been carried out between January 25 and 28 and this had shown that the 30mph speed limit had not been adhered to, particularly by traffic travelling north.

Footpaths: All paths had been closed by Worcestershire County Council because of the outbreak of foot and mouth disease.

This had resulted in an increase in the number of dogs exercised on the recreation ground and the dog bin now required emptying twice weekly.

Wyre Piddle Bypass: It is proposed to close the road into Wyre Piddle which was a concern to Lower Moor Parish Council who were anxious to keep the road open for local traffic.

It was agreed to send a letter of support to the Highways Department at County Hall.

Blocked Drains: The matter of these drains outside the butcher's shop and in Anchor Lane had been raised with the county highways department.

Near miss: It was reported that a bus had nearly hit a resident's car near Avon Cottage.

A letter is to be sent to company concerned asking that drivers moderate their speed in view of the narrow road.