TENNIS CLUB; There was a pat on the back for the club when members were visited by representatives of the Lawn Tennis Association who were on a mission to see affiliated clubs in a rural area.

A number of junior members attended for a coaching session by Mark Devaney which was enjoyed by all in spite of the inclement weather.

The club has enjoyed an increased membership recently and all through the winter months players could be seen enjoying the facilities of the floodlit courts. The committee is planning a series of special events in the future, so keep an eye open for their publicity.

n SAVE THE CHILDREN: Thanks are extended to everyone who contributed in any way to the recent coffee morning at Bredon Dene.

The sum of £650 was raised.

If you would like to support this charity and if you are interested in the history of clothing, you may like to join us on the evening of May 5 when Linda Collins, of Kinsham, will be presenting a talk and display entitled A Century of Children's Clothes 1840 to 1940.

A nourishing nursery supper will follow and non nursery wine will be available.

The venue is the Abbey School Hall by kind permission of the headmaster. For tickets, please phone 01684 772477.