IN the interests of practicality, let me make these suggestions in the debate on cycle lanes.

Firstly, let's make them "timed" lanes, similar to bus lanes whereby, at peak times, the lanes have exclusive use by cyclists.

This would be the same as bus and taxi lanes in busy town centre areas.

Secondly, let's have these cycle lanes as "no parking" lanes during these peak times.

After all, if the cyclists are on their way to work, is it not possible that those who park on the cycle lanes are also on their way to work?

One correspondent on the Letters page last week suggested using back roads to avoid problems on Bewdley Hill.

Are there not enough "rat runs" through back roads these days?

The primary school located in Greatfield Road sees an over abundance of peak time traffic, both commercial and private, at the times when small children are being delivered by parents to school.

Congestion is a big problem already and to advocate adding to it would not seem the answer.

Some cyclists are already a law unto themselves. While I fully agree with the ability and right of anyone to enjoy the freedom of the highways, there are cyclists who ignore red traffic lights, expect vehicles to move out of their way, regardless of priority and frequently without any hand signals.

They pay no tax towards upkeep of the roads and, in the main, carry no third party insurance for damage they may cause by their reckless behaviour. (I do have personal experience of this).

Like the farmer and the cowhand, the motorist and the cyclist should be friends.

Let both behave as responsible users of the Queen's highway and perhaps the problem will seem less of an issue.


Lea Bank Avenue, Kidderminster