MAY I offer my thanks to your readers on the way they have stayed out of the countryside.

I think it will prove helpful. My father talked about an outbreak of foot and mouth in the 1930s and then they isolated those animals who had the infection from the rest and as far as I remember most of the animals recovered.

I think vaccination for the reason that very little has been done to clamp down on animal products coming into the country from countries which have foot and mouth.

Taiwan lost a quarter of their pigs, about four million, before it vaccinated.

The reason given for not vaccinating and using slaughter is a early return to exporting.

I ask those who think this way, should British tax payer have to subsidise exporters and who is going to buy the meat from Britain given all the recent problems.

I see our exporter meeting a French onion seller and suggesting he put best British lamb with his onions.

I am not allowed to say where our onion seller would put his onions but our exporter may become light on his feet.

ROBIN PHILLIPS, Briar Close, Evesham.