A LOT of confusion seems to have been created by the attempts of the local Liberal Democrats to embarrass the Tories regarding their spin on something that has not happened (Journal, April 5).

The District Council Management Committee has just set up an independent panel to report on the tricky subject of councillor's expenses. It is a legal requirement. That is all the committee has done.

No new pay rates have been decided and a new budget has not suddenly emerged out of the blue. Nothing has been voted; nothing is yet known; the panel has not met.

The total allowances paid to many councillors should remain unchanged. The review is expected to highlight the increased workload on some councillors. Any increase in cost is more than offset by efficiency savings within the senior management of the council.

I hope that the public can ignore their sensationalism. Of course, it is election time. The local Liberal Democrats must be short of credibility if they have to try to embarrass their opponents for complying with the law.

COUN C J SAINT, Chairman Management Committee, Stratford-on-Avon District Council.