DOG owners in Alvechurch and Wythall are being warned they will be prosecuted if they allow their pets to foul footpaths and fail to clean up.

Bromsgrove Council is cracking down on irresponsible owners who flout the law.

The warning is coupled with a plea for owners to keep out of restricted areas of the countryside such as footpaths and bridleways while foot and mouth disease persists.

Head of environmental health David Williams said: "We will no longer tolerate such irresponsible behaviour and will prosecute without hesitation.

"There has been an increase in dog fouling since the countryside was put out of bounds and more people use the streets.

"We will be watching very carefully and will swoop down on people who fail to scoop the poop and let their dogs stray.

"We are trying to do our best to prevent the spread of foot and mouth but some dog owners insist on letting their animals run loose."