Jackie Armstrong, head teacher of Moatfield Middle School, is to be congratulated on receiving the Government award (Advertiser, March 28).

But she must feel like a football manager, receiving the support of the board one day.

I quote Julien Kramer: "I am delighted to see some of our county's hard-working and dedicated school staff being rewarded..."

Well, besides losing her job she also lost her school.

Moatfield Middle School and Mrs Armstrong are another case of the "Bridley Moor Syndrome." In case anyone does not know what this is: Dan Wicksteed and Julien Kramer sit down and work out the best school in an area, then close that school down.

Of course, they need the help of the Labour Party's county councillors and their lackeys, the Liberal Democrats.

Let's hope when Mrs Armstrong receives the congratulation letters from Mr Wicksteed and our Labour Schools Minister, Jacqui Smith MP, she has them framed and hangs them in an appropriate place.

Congratulations again Mrs Armstrong and your staff.

The people of Matchborough did not need the prattling of Mr Kramer to know what a good job you have carried out for the children of Matchborough.

WE Weston

Binton Close

Matchborough East