ST JAMES' CHURCH: Tomorrow (Friday) Women's International Day of Prayer - service in church, organised jointly by St James' and the Baptist churches, 7.30pm. March 8 - coffee morning in aid of the India Earthquake Appeal at the home of Mr and Mrs Bullard, 29, Hughes Close, 10am to noon. Contributions to a cake stall and a bring and buy stall will be greatly appreciated, as will the presence and generosity of all who are willing to support this worthy cause. March 22 - coffee morning at the home of Mrs Sophie Dodds, 'Breslau', Leys Road, 10.30am to noon organised by Mrs Dodds and Mrs Edith Maybury in order to boost the church flowers fund. Flowers for decorating the church on a weekly basis are usually bought by individuals who wish to commemorate a special event or the death of a loved one or simply to beautify the building, but special festivals such as Easter and Christmas need special provision. You are invited to come and partake of home-made scones which will accompany the coffee, enjoy a convivial chat with friends and spend money on raffle, bring and buy stall etc. March 24 - a barn dance organised by the church social committee will be held in the village hall from 7.30pm to 11pm. Tickets, priced at £5 each (to include a light supper) can be obtained from Sue Coley 870204, Ann Dolphin 871737 or any member of the social committee. The caller and musicians (who have proved very popular in the past) guarantee to provide everyone with a lively evening and dancers will be able to quench their thirst at the bar which will be open throughout the event.