THE £350,000 scheme to refurbish the former Manders Chemists as Town Council offices is running to schedule.

Work began on restoring and refurbishing the Grade II listed building in Belle Vue Terrace last May and town clerk Stuart McDonough said they expect to be finished by the end of May.

"The builders are starting from the top of the building and working down. So far, the third floor is finished, the ceilings have been fully restored and the lift is half built," said Mr McDonough.

"The ceilings actually look better than they did before because they've been properly restored. Before they had strip lights on them and cracks, now they look pristine and we're very pleased."

After conversion, the top floor will provide office space for community groups and the rest of the building will be town council rooms - a meeting room, offices and a "one-stop information shop".

The total cost of the scheme, including buying the building, is about £600,000.