ONE of the Midlands most traditional industries is set for a boost thanks to a new partnership between Whichford Pottery and South Warwickshire Training.

The two have linked up to offer career opportunities to young people aged between 16 and 24 in the pottery industry, thanks to funding from the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber. Whichford Pottery has 25 years experience of making terracotta flowerpots from traditional methods and it is hoped the new scheme will keep those skills alive in the future.

"This is an amazing opportunity," said Jean Schneider, manager at South Warwickshire Training.

"I am delighted we can offer young people high quality training together with essential support and guidance."

Whichford Pottery apprentice Jane Bailey, said the training offered by the potters had proved to be invaluable, even though she had a degree, and said her time there had: "given me the hands-on practical experience I felt I needed."

For more information on the apprentices, contact Ms Schneider on 01789 261123.