LIONS: The Lions wish to thank all their generous supporters who donated to their market collection and the sleighs on their various routes around the villages before Christmas. Many thanks also to all the volunteers for turning out on some cold, wet evenings in support of their teams. A record sum of £4,000 was collected and Wellesbourne and District Lions are pleased to present £2,000 to 'The Friendship Project' based in Stratford, Warwick and Rugby who help and care for the lonely, uncared for children and those lacking in confidence. Another £2,000 to Shipston Home Nursing with their appropriate motto 'Hospice care at home' and covering an area including Charlecote, Wellesbourne, Lighthorne, Gayden and Kineton, providing, medical and nursing care.

FLOWER CLUB: At the last meeting Jane Fox entertained the Flower Club with a seasonal demonstration entitled 'Christmas Greetings' including arrangements with titles such as 'A Floral Greeting Card and 'A Church Window' and making skilled use of colouring and seasonal materials including gold ribbon bows alongside a golden twig Christmas tree and reindeer. The demonstration was very much enjoyed by a large audience of members and friends. Judith Stanton gave the vote of thanks.

MU: The last meeting of the St Peter's branch of the MU was held on January 9 at the Church Centre. 'The marriage of divorcee in Church' led by Canon Guy Cornwall Jones was very lively. Members were divided into groups discussing a number of subjects relating to marriage such as what makes a successful marriage or how could the MU help young couples before committing themselves? Christine Fountain gave the vote of thanks and tea was served by Daphne Wood and Margaret Clark.

CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT FELLOWSHIP: There was a very good attendance at the January meeting of the Wellesbourne group when the guest speaker, Miss Deirdre Buckley gave a brief history of the Compton Verney estate and outlined the exciting plans for Compton Verney's re-opening in 2003. The vote of thanks was given by Mrs Stella Cox. Mrs Doreen Neal, deputy chairman presided. The customary raffle ended a very enjoyable meeting.

VILLAGE HALL: The management committee is still urgently looking for someone taking over the post of booking's secretary. Please apply to Chris Cole, (01789) 840223.