ST MARY'S CHURCH: The church is about to start a new Alpha course. This series of six meetings explains itself as 'an opportunity to explore the meaning of life'. It follows up the special mention of Alpha in a recent speech by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Dr Carey said that Alpha had 'revolutionised many churches and made many new Christians and bridged the gap between church and the community'. The Ilmington Alpha course which is held every Tuesday in the Rectory from 7.45pm is one of over 7,000 now taking places throughout churches of all Christian denominations in the UK. In addition 40 prisons are holding Alpha sessions for inmates. David Frost has just finished filming a ten week series for ITV on the progression of an Alpha course at Holy Trinity Brompton London (where Alpha all started a few years ago). The programmes which are due to be broadcast nationwide from May are to be called 'Alpha:Could it change your life?' Everyone will be most welcome at the Rectory - especially 'doubters' and debaters!

VALENTINE BALL: Arrangements are well in hand for this romantic event to be held at the village hall on February 17. There will be a fine hot supper, a live band playing lovely music, jazz spots, and a cabaret. This is a black tie or lounge suit event and the ladies can wear their prettiest frocks. There are still a few tickets available. Contact Dick and Rosie Shurey on 01208 682609.