PARISH COUNCIL: Report of the parish council meeting held on December 12:

Mr W G Kelly had applied for renewal of existing planning permission W95/1485/COU for change of use of Spring Bank House from a private dwelling to a residential home for the elderly. There were no objections. WOO/14823COU refers.

W00/1490 Mr J Bolton had applied for demolition of an existing bungalow and construction of a new single storey dwelling at the Contractors site, Main Street.

There were no objections in principle to this application, however several conditions were recommended by councillors including restriction on further planning applications for the site.

W00/1562 and 1564 DERA siting of portacabins for use as temporary offices and replacement of two plant rooms with two prefabricated units Defford Airfield. No objections were raised but comments regarding the visual aspect were made.

W00/1661 Mr K Halligan and L Cardus amendment to W00/0931 demolition and rebuilding of house and garage Panfield Cottage. Some queries were outstanding on this application and comment would be deferred until the next meeting.

Approval had been granted for W00/1122/LBC for Mr and Mrs Clegg subject to conditions relating to the glazing bars and glass being retained by putty.

W00/1193 had been approved subject to certain conditions for Mr A Salerman Arden Sailing Club.

Enforcement of the conditions of the injunction secured against Ivory Plant Hire were onerous and the clearance of site had to be completed by December 21. Notification had also been received that Ivory Plant Hire had withdrawn the appeals against planning refusal.

Notification had been received from the planning inspector confirming dismissal of the appeal against planning refusal by Mr D Porter for the site adjacent to Mountain Ash, Croome Road. The proposals were contrary to County Structure Plan and Local Plan policies.

The meeting of November 30 was called by Wychavon DC for all those who had indicated that they would be prepared to join the new sewerage scheme.

Individual packs were distributed confirming the incentive package and details of lateral connections. The waiving of charges amounted to approximately £700 providing that the offer was taken up by December 11 and all work completed by September 2001.

Any subsequent connection would see the benefit of the offer value being nearer to £1,700.

The provision of a dog bin was being investigated.

Skips were agreed to be requested. Besford for the end of January, Defford for the beginning of March.

The reply from Railtrack indicated that Defford Railway station might be sold. This was considered to be a retrograde step and was objected to.

Finally it was agreed that the clerk should be given a mandate to purchase items from the estate for the late Ron Howes which would be of historical interest to the village.