HISTORY SOCIETY: Bourton Local History Society met last week on a cold and frosty night. Chairman, Mr Fred Brush, welcomed members and then gave details of the programme for the New Year. Mr Brush then introduced the speaker, Mr James Turtle, from the County Record Office in Gloucester. Mr Turtle spoke on the Swing Riots at Tetbury, which took place in the 1830's and were the largest in the County although there were many risings in the country in that era, particularly the rural areas of Glos., Oxon and Wilts. After the Napoleonic Wars, when this country could not import wheat from the Continent, prices of food and rents increased and there was discontent among the poorer section of the community. In the 1820's, threshing machines were introduced which cut down on the number of men required on farms in the early winter months. Previously, the work was done by hand and this led to workers being laid off. In the Autumn of 1830, workers in and around Tetbury rioted, breaking up threshing machines in surrounding villages. There were as many as 200 men involved and they were caught by constables and militia. 24 men were arrested and taken to Gloucester Jail. Of the 24, 15 were discharged and nine were sentenced to transportation. Wages were then fixed at ten shillings a week which was accepted by the workers. Members found Mr Turtle's talk most interesting and he was thanked by Mr John Price. Next month's meeting will be on February 21 when the speaker will be Dr Ray Wilson who will speak on Industry in Stroud.

COFFEE CASH: The coffee morning held last week by Mollie Wise raised £175 for Containers of Hope. The money will go to help pay for a further shipment of clothes and items to help those in need in Africa. Thanks to all who supported the event.

GARDENERS' BROADCAST: On Sunday, the Gardeners Question Time programme recorded at Bourton last November is being broadcast on BBC Radio Four at 2.30pm and will be repeated on Wednesday at 3pm.

PANTO TICKETS: Not too late for panto tickets which are selling well. The Panto Group present Mother Goose at the Victoria Hall from the January 29 until February 3. Ticket hotline 07930-634717 or from Hartwells in the High Street.

BADMINTON: Every Monday, there is a Badminton evening at the Cotswold School. From 7 until 8pm a Juniors session, £1; from 8 until 10pm, adults, £2.50. If you would like to try it out, the first session will be free. No membership, just pay as you play. Details from Mike Winter on 01451-831194.