THERE is nostalgia by the lorry load at Cheltenham's Everyman Theatre.

Rockin' on Heaven's Door on February 6-8 will bring four great legends back to singing life.

The sounds of Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, Buddy Holly and Eddie Cochran will be recreated by Richard Atkins, Johnny Curtiss. Marc Robinson and Rebel Dean.

The music sounds a different note for the rest of the week, as Kate Dimbleby - daughter of broadcaster David Dimbleby - recreates the sounds of Peggy Lee, in Fever! The Making of Peggy Lee at the Everyman on February 9 and 10.

Part concert, part confession, Fever, written by Lucy Powell, not only charts the star's life and includes some of her greatest hits - it also includes hints from the star on how to make it to the top in showbusiness.

Tickets for both shows are available from the theatre box office on 01242 572573