6 CONGRATULATIONS on your headline in last night's paper (Evening News, Tuesday, January 16).

You have now given the Knittels and Bretts of this world all the ammunition they need to keep up their "campaign".

I was always led to believe that the reporting of stories was supposed to be unbiased and equal in its portrayal of the news. Your opinion column, however, has shown which side of the fence your loyalties lie.

The headline wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that the next day - Wednesday - saw the MPs' debate on hunting with dogs, or that Mike Foster is the MP for Worcester and is the person responsible for this piece of idiotic legislation - would it?

Still, as my father once said: "The Press never let the truth get in the way of a good story."


Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire.

Editor's note: As far as your observations regarding the leader comment are concerned, you're absolutely right, Mr Shenton. That's what an opinion column's for - to express an opinion.