MR Loveless wrote about the relationship between schools and parents (You Say, January 5).

I've no wish to sound chauvinistic but in my day, keeping a house and raising a family were skills in their own right. Children learnt their domestic skills from their parents and schools were places where pupils went for their academic education.

Modern technology seems to deprive our children from certain practical skills and social interactions. I overheard two siblings arguing over whose turn it was to empty the dishwasher.

Families seldom sit around the table at mealtimes and children are left isolated watching the telly in their bedroom. It is fashionable now, to eat and drink on the hoof and make small talk over the mobile phones.

To make ends meet, schools are becoming business centres and their position in the league tables is the only benchmark that seems to matter.

GCSE results may be improving but irresponsible schoolboys and gymslip mums are becoming prevalent.

